The payment must be made via the pre-printed bulletin appearing in our leaflet or directly in our account :
Account: Lausanne Marathon – 1007 Lausanne
CCP: please to call 021 806 30 16
Compulsory information in the payment:
Name, Surname, Full address
Date of birth
Estimated time : for attribution of starting block
Cell phone
Sticker on the medal by paying (prix : 7.-)
Any payment posted after the deadline of October 01th will not be handled and the runner will not be registered. The post stamp is the proof. You have the possibility to register online via Datasport.
Attention: No cancellation insurance is provided with registrations made through post transfer, banking transfer or with invoice. NO REFUND IN CASE OF CANCELLATION OF PARTICIPATION.
By registering you accept the general conditions of the event and discharge the organizer of any problem before, during and after the race.